I am a librarian, researcher, and technologist committed to enhancing the digital capacity and visibility of the work of GLAM* institutions, artists, and researchers. I collaborate
with clients to develop digital resources, publications, and projects that meet the
unique needs of their members and audiences.
* Gallery, Library, Archive, Museum
I received my Master's degree in Library and Information Studies (MLIS) from McGill University. After graduation I worked as a Heritage Information Analyst at the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN-RCIP), researching standards for collections management. I was then the Project Manager for e-artexte, overseeing the design and launch of the open access repository for visual arts publishing at Artexte.
In 2012 I co-founded the MAT3RIAL collective alongside Antonia Hernández, Mél Hogan and Jacqueline Wallace. We work with a small group of collaborators and freelancers on digital projects with arts organizations, research groups, non-profit and social enterprises. Some selected clients and projects include:
If you would like to collaborate please get in touch at
Over the last ten years I have worked with university research groups, artist-run centres and cultural organizations to develop a variety of digital projects and to find compelling ways to disseminate their work online.
I provide the following services:
If you would like to collaborate please get in touch at
I am a PhD candidate in Communication Studies conducting research at Concordia University
on scholarly communication, research-creation, academic labour, and platformization.
My doctoral project explores networked scholarly communication practices in the humanities, using the institutional repository as a site of inquiry to understand relationships between academic labour, research infrastructure, and contemporary forms of capitalism.
MacDonald, Corina. (2022). "Imagining networked scholarly communication: self-archiving, academic labour, and the early Internet". Internet Histories 6 www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/24701475.2022.2103987.
Accepted manuscript: CMacDonald_Imagining-networked-scholarly-communication.pdf
MacDonald, Corina and Neugebauer, Tomasz and Latour, John. (2014). "The e-artexte digital repository: promoting open access in the Canadian contemporary arts research and publishing community". Art Libraries Journal, 39(1), 10-16.
Neugebauer, Tomasz and MacDonald, Corina and Tayler, Felicity. (2012). "Artexte metadata conversion to EPrints: adaptation of digital repository software to visual and media arts documentation". International Journal on Digital Libraries, 11(4), 263-277. spectrum.library.concordia.ca/973566/.
MacDonald, Corina. (2009). "Scoring the work: documenting performance and practice in variable media art". Leonardo, 42(1), 59-63. www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1162/leon.2009.42.1.59.
Dunn, Heather and MacDonald, Corina. (2009). "Information culturelle patrimoniale dans un environnement réseauté : Comparaison des normes et de l'organisation des connaissances dans les bibliothèques et les musées". Documentation et Bibliothèques, 54(3), 159-169.
MacDonald, Corina (2024). Evaluating the role of institutional repositories as sustainable infrastructure for multimodal scholarship , Canadian Society for Digital Humanities (CSDH-SCHN) Conference, June 21, 2024. csdh-schn.org/csdh-schn-congress-2024-sustaining-shared-futures/.
MacDonald, Corina (2021). From self-archiving to self-branding: visibility and value in knowledge infrastructures, Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) Conference, July 23, 2021. ach2021.ach.org/.
MacDonald, Corina (2020). Datafication and Scholarly Communication, Feminist and Accessible Publishing and Communication Technologies speaker series, McGill University, February 5, 2020. spectrum.library.concordia.ca/986417/. www.feministandaccessiblepublishingandtechnology.com.
MacDonald, Corina (2019). Academia.edu, institutional repositories, and trajectories of datafication in scholarly communication, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Communication Association (CCA), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, June 6, 2019.
MacDonald, Corina. (2018). Networking Knowledge: repositories, platform publishing, and research-creation scholarship, Digital Cultures: Knowledge / Culture / Technology Conference, Leuphana University, Luneberg Germany, September 22, 2018. digitalculturesconference.org/.
Neugebauer, T., Tayler, F. & MacDonald, C. (2015). Metadata as a Complex Network: A Case Study of Data visualization for Art Historical Research, Art History Graduate Student Association (AHGSA) Conference, Concordia University, Montreal, March 6, 2015. spectrum.library.concordia.ca/980078/.
MacDonald, Corina. (2014). The Open Access movement and arts publishing in Canada, Subtle Technologies Symposium, Toronto Metropolitan University, May 24, 2014. subtletechnologies.com/festival-2014/.
MacDonald, C., & Neugebauer, T. (2013). Depositing Visual Arts Publications into an Open Access Repository, Museum Computer Network (MCN) Conference, Montreal, November 22, 2013. spectrum.library.concordia.ca/978035/.
MacDonald, Corina. (2010). DOCAM Glossaurus, DOCAM Annual Summit 2010 organized by DOCAM : documentation and conservation of media arts heritage in collaboration with Hexagram, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Montreal, March 3-5, 2010. www.docam.ca/en/annual-summits/2010-summit/415-le-glossaurus-de-docam.html.
MacDonald, Corina (2008). New Media, New Knowledge: A Knowledge Management Perspective on the Preservation of New Media Art, Media in Motion Symposium organized by Media@Mcgill and DOCAM, Schulich School of Music, McGill University, Montreal.
Open Access and the enduring myths of the long 1990s. LSE Impact Blog. September 14, 2022. blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2022/09/14/open-access-and-the-enduring-myths-of-the-long-1990s/
female:pressure FACTS 2022 Survey on gender distribution of artists performing at electronic music festivals worldwide. femalepressure.net/FACTS2022-femalepressure-print.pdf
media labour collective. (2019). "Introduction". Synoptique, 8(2).pdf.
e-artexte: Introduction et démonstration, Open Access and the Fine Arts: e-artexte Launch and Round Table, Artexte, Montreal, February 9, 2013. e-artexte.ca/id/eprint/25118/.
Hogan, Mél. Opening e-Artexte with Corina MacDonald. nomorepotlucks 16: motive. July 2011. nomorepotlucks.org/site/opening-e-artexte-with-corina-macdonald
MacDonald, Corina. (2011). Video Cache - Activating the Archive: An interview with Mél Hogan, Artengine blog, June 29, 2011. artengine.ca/blog/?p=2365.
Tayler, Felicity & MacDonald, Corina. (2010). An interview with curator and CRUMB co-founder Sarah Cook, Artengine blog, October 10, 2010. artengine.ca/blog/?p=1318.
MacDonald, Corina. (2009). "Iteration, Infinity and Decay: New Media and the Practice of Documentation." art press 2: Conserving Technology-Based Art: Issues and Solutions, 12, January 2009.
MacDonald, Corina. (2010). Speculating in the network: Ian Wojtowicz's The Betweeners, Artengine blog artengine.ca/blog/?p=731, May 17, 2010. Reprinted in Tayler, F., Bertrand, A., & Lebedinskaia, Natalia. (2012). (Pour le meilleur ou pour le pire) On the Internet, we can all be making it (For Better or for Worse). Montreal, Qc: Centre des arts actuels Skol. e-artexte.ca/23681/.
MacDonald, Corina. (2007). Interview with Tara Rodgers, Vague Terrain 8: Process, November 2007. vagueterrain.net/journal08/tara-rodgers/01.
MacDonald, Corina. (2006). Interview with Monolake (Robert Henke), Vague Terrain 5: Minimalism, December 2006. vagueterrain.net/journal05/monolake/01.
See my Discogs profile.